
Garmin Connect Developer Program Overview:

The Garmin Connect Developer Program makes it easy to create your own programs from valuable health and activity information as well as push structured works and courses to your users’ devices, all from this platform.

As a collection of APIs, you now have access to more data than ever:


Health API            Activity API          Women’s Health API          Training API          Courses API


For details on the summary types for each API and full documentation, please see the [FAQ page] and [specification documents].


With event-driven notification integration options for Health, Activities and Women’s Health APIs, it is easy to get real time updates on all users in your program. No more scheduled jobs and hourly delays to fetch the latest data for your users – instead, get update notifications delivered to you within seconds of the user syncing their device.

Training and Courses APIs ensure your users have the information they need exactly when they need it most by publishing workout details and courses straight to their compatible Garmin devices.

With complete API reference implementation information and easy-to-use developer tools it is now easier than ever to make Garmin a part of your platform. The top-tier API support team is ready to help you get your integration up and running!